More Interviews with Friends and Heroes
(punctum books)
Follow for Now, Vol. 2 picks up and pushes beyond the first volume with a more diverse set of interviewees and interviews. The intent of the first collection was to bring together voices from across disciplines, to cross-pollinate ideas. At the time, social media wasn’t crisscrossing all of the lines and categories held a bit more sway. Volume 2 aims not only to pick up where Follow for Now left off but also to tighten its approach with deeper subjects and more timely interviews.
Thirty-seven interviews deep, Follow for Now, Vol. 2 is a hefty collection of ideas and inspiration from some of the most important writers, artists, and thinkers of our time. It includes the first interview with Tyler, The Creator and one of the last with Rammellzee. A lengthy discussion between William Gibson and Kodwo Eshun caps it all off.
Featuring conversations with thinkers like Carla Nappi, Rita Raley, Dominic Pettman, Ian Bogost, Mark Dery, Douglas Rushkoff, and Dave Allen, and musicians like Tyler, The Creator, Matthew Shipp, Sean Price, Rammellzee, and Sadat X, as well as writers like Ytasha L. Womack, Chris Kraus, Pat Cadigan, Bob Stephenson, Simon Critchley, Simon Reynolds, Malcolm Gladwell, and William Gibson, Follow for Now, Vol. 2 is another critical cross-section of the now.
Praise for Follow for Now:
“Relentlessly stimulating and insight-packed, Follow for Now is the kind of book I’d like to see published every decade, and devoured every subsequent decade, from now until the end of humanity.”
— Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
Get Yours:

Table of Contents:
- Carla Nappi: Historical Friction
- Kristen Gallerneaux: Unattended Consequences
- Dominic Pettman: Human Matters
- Rita Raley: Tactical Humanities
- Jodi Dean: Of Crowds and Collectives (by Alfie Bown)
- Gareth Branwyn: Borg Like Me
- Ian Bogost: Worthwhile Dilemmas
- Mark Dery: Nothing’s Shocking
- Brian Eno: Strange Overtones (by Steven Johnson)
- Zizi Papacharissi: A Networked Self
- Douglas Rushkoff: The User’s Dilemma
- danah boyd: Privacy = Context + Control
- Dave Allen: Every Force Evolves a Form
- Juice Aleem: Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
- Labtekwon: Margin Walker
- M. Sayyid: The Other Side
- Shabazz Palaces: A New Refutation
- dälek: Build and Destroy
- Matthew Shipp: Heavy Meta
- Tyler, The Creator: The Odd Future is Now (by Timothy Baker)
- Tricia Rose: Warrior Soul
- Sean Price: Bless the M.I.C.
- Rammellzee: The Wrath of the Math (by Chuck Galli)
- Cadence Weapon: Check the Technique
- El-P: Wake Up. Time to Die.
- Sadat X: My Protocol is Know-It-All
- Ytasha L. Womack: Dance to the Future
- Bob Stephenson: Bit by Bit
- Pat Cadigan: Eyes on the Skies
- Mish Barber-Way: Flour Power
- Chris Kraus: Wildly Contradictory
- Simon Critchley: The Skull Beneath the Skin (by Alfie Bown)
- Clay Tarver: Gone Glimmering
- Nick Harkaway: A Dynastic Succession of Trouble
- Simon Reynolds: Erase and Start It Again (with Alex Burns)
- Malcolm Gladwell: Epidemic Proportions
- William Gibson: The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines (by Kodwo Eshun)